I have a question about the registration process
Please send an email to our Registrar: rego@marsdenparkfc.com.au
I need to contact a Galaxy team about Dribl team sheets or need help with Dribl
Please send an email to our Competition Secretary: compsec@marsdenparkfc.com.au
I have a question about coaching or my Galaxy team
Please send an email to our Coaching Director: coach@marsdenparkfc.com.au
I would like to volunteer to assist the Club or have other information/matters to send
Please send an email to our Secretary: secretary@marsdenparkfc.com.au
I had to de-register and need to arrange or follow up on a refund
Please send an email to our Treasurer: treasurer@marsdenparkfc.com.au
I am interested in sponsoring the Club
Please send an email to our Public Relations Officer: pro@marsdenparkfc.com.au
I need to contact your Member Protection Information Officer
Please send an email to our MPIO: mpio@marsdenparkfc.com.au
I’d like to speak to the Club president
Please send an email to our President: president@marsdenparkfc.com.au
I have a question that’s not listed here
Please send an email to: media@marsdenparkfc.com.au