Thank you to our Coaches and Managers.
Being a coach or a manager can be such a rewarding experience and we as a club committee want to make the experience the best for you and for your team no matter what the age group.
We would like to thank each and every one of you! without you volunteering we would not be able to run this season. This page will list the expectations we as a club expect from all of our coaches and managers and helpful information to get the most out of the season.
Coaches & Managers please register by using this link to Dribl registration.dribl.com/club/281 you will need to provide a working with children’s check number (WWWC) and expiry date from Service NSW (Please note you can still register without these details but you will have to provide them before the season starts on the 6th April). Please click here to go to Service NSW for more information on getting a WWWC.
Coaches and Managers Information
Coaches and Managers 2024 presentation slides shown at the meeting on Friday 1st March.
Coaches and Managers Handbook for season 2024. The Committee would like all coaches and manager to read this handbook.
The information here contains BDSFA’s policy when borrowing players. Players can only be upgraded under the conditions in this policy.
The information here contains BDSFA’s competition rules for grades U12s and up.
Subtime is a free app to help you to manage substitutions and track player time.
The information here contains BDSFA’s competition rules for grade U11s
Mini Roos Under 5, 6 & 7 Playing Regulations from BDSFA.
Mini Roos Under 8s Playing Regulations from BDSFA.
Mini Roos Under 9s Playing Regulations from BDSFA.
Mini Roos Under 10s Playing Regulations from BDSFA.
2024 Training Allocations
Please click here for the spreadsheet with the latest training allocations updates.