Our sixth season as Marsden Park Galaxy Football Club will commence in 2025!

The 2025 season begins on Saturday 5th April 2025. 

The club is open to anyone born on or after 01/01/2020 (Turning 5 or older in 2025) and for both male & female dependent on team availability.

For more information about registration or for any vacancies please contact our Club Registrar via email –

Coaches and Managers please register using this link  Play Football Registration for Marsden Park FC and you will need to provide a working with children’s check number and expiry date from Service NSW. Please click here to go to Service NSW for more information.

Players To register, please go to the following registration website Play Football Registration for Marsden Park FC.

Click on the following links based on your chils age.

U5yrs players (Turning 5 in 2025)                            U6yrs players (Turning 6 in 2025)                              U7yrs players (Turning 7 in 2025)

U8yrs players (Turning 8 in 2025)                            U9yrs players (Turning 9 in 2025)                              U10yrs players (Turning 10 in 2025)

U11yrs players (Turning 11 in 2025)                        U12yrs players (Turning 12 in 2025)                         U13yrs players (Turning 13 in 2025)

U14yrs players (Turning 14 in 2025)                        U15yrs players (Turning 15 in 2025)                         U16yrs players (Turning 16 in 2025)

U17yrs players (Turning 17 in 2025)                        O35 players (Turning 36 in 2025)                              AAM players              AAW players

Training is usually on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday afternoons/evenings. Your team along with the coach or manager will nominate training times. Training is schedule to start the week of 10th March after the Cricket Season has concluded and we can access the grounds.

The Grading Process:

We grade players in the U8 to U15 age groups for the opportunity to represent the top 2 teams at the club in each age group. This allows children with similar abilities to play against each other in a more competitive environment. The players from the top two teams from last year have to get regraded the following year to get into the top two teams for the club. This is to make it fair for new players joining the club and for other players in other teams whom have improved during the prior season.  Grading usually commences in February and may be completed over two days weather permitting. All other teams formed will be based on where the members played last year unless requested otherwise during your child’s registration.